Friday 28 September 2012

A handful of earth

The sun shines on the blessed,
So why do we stand here and seem so depressed,
Who through our vain glory like peacocks are dressed,
While only a story are we said to have left,
Of the fountain of youth that we feel bereft,
As we fall at the mercy of times own caress,
Till all we once knew and all we once had,
Are lost in the fathoms of a mind in duress,
The treasures of life that are soon to be had,
By the ones who replace us and ones who are sad,
At our passing we leave with a handful of earth,
And contented by this we are meant to be glad,
Buried in graves and left to the mad.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Congratulations to me ~

I have just completed the first draft of my book oh yes... it's taken roughly four years to complete and I'm now looking at a true monster of a word document calling out to me to edit it. 3 times you say? I think I'll see you in another 4 years...


Monday 3 September 2012

Stormy seas

Another sketch I drew, this time based on a Frank Frazetta Oil painting called "Carson of Venus" I changed the man and creature but otherwise I tried to copy his painting as best I could.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Another Sketch

In the long process of learning to draw, I'm learning a few things by imitating the masters. This was inspired by a pretty awesome oil painting Gerald Brom painted. Gave me some nice ideas for getting the folds in materials which you can see.