Mordheim BatRep - Skaven vs Marienburg

I definitely think that the more terrain on a gaming board the better it looks. Mordheim is one of those games that not only welcomes that, but encourages it. So I dusted off the old tome (rulebook) and twisted my fiancé's arm to get her to play with me.

I'd recently paint stripped and resprayed all my old models so couldn't wait to use them now they had detail again.

I specced up a pretty competitive Marienburg list and an unbalanced Skaven force as a handicap and set about it. Strange being outnumbered by mercenaries but hey.

It was a weirdstone hunt represented by three replica denarii so only ending with a rout so was destined to be bloody.

The Marienburgers took first turn and secured vantage points with their crossbowmen. A large number of warriors led by their captain pressed the right flank and their halfling scout led the others down the central ruin.

I sent my Skaven scurrying down the alleys, all hiding save for the rat ogre which shambled towards the central ruin.

The Marienburg captain managed to get within range to detect one of my Black Skaven and a lucky pistol shot took him down. The others poured fire into the Rat Ogre and managed to score a wound.

Not wasting any time I charged out and crushed the halfling with my rat ogre. A tad overkill but it's all I could reach. My Black Skaven rushed out with a giant rat in tow which managed to bite a spear man in the jugular and bring him down. A diving charge from my night runner managed to bring another man to the ground and my other night runner seized a dinarii on the left flank.

All hell broke loose as the Marienburgs counter charged and began the bitter combat which lasted for another two turns.

My rat ogre stood back up after taking enough
crossbow bolts to weave a headdress.

Meanwhile my Assassin adept rushed across the board to the tower with the town bell and murdered a crossbowman hiding there for his dinarii.

As the Mercenaries mopped up the stragglers it was the Skaven who eventually broke and fled.

Victory Marienburg


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