Tuesday 14 August 2012

Full scale war on the Horizon

My book is now on chapter 34 -- a chapter which turned out to be an absolute pleasure to write. I love it when you go into writing a chapter where you have a very little plan and something amazing comes to mind as you're writing.

As the following chapters come I might be lost in writing my book so the blog might slow down a tad. Hopefully not too much as it is a much needed valve for letting off steam. The culmination of my story will end with a bang so some very action packed parts are on the way. My favourite.

Just had a nice run around the house -- "Gas", I thought as the steady stream of hissing came from along the stairway. Running up and down the steps honing in on the noise, I couldn't quite place it. Not the gas. Check the taps. Much less interesting I know, but a rather unwelcome distraction. Creeping, like a solitary panther, well, more like a solitary badger...something rather slower and clumsier, I found the source.

Another bulb on the fritz...simple, but now, my rooms light, the only light in the house is drawing all manner of undesirables. That's not the sound of clapping you hear. That's a mosquito dying.

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