Sunday 17 August 2014

More Stories

I've added three more flash fiction stories to the site including my second ever piece of flash fiction (aside from all the weird ones I used to write when I was a kid) so check them out and as always I hope you enjoy!

Staircase, is a bit of avant-garde fiction about climbing a staircase and metaphorical implications that might have. The building excitement of reaching what lies at the top represented audibly.

Summoner, is a small piece of fiction about Eriah the summoner, the arrogant wizard who attempts to bind a demon to his service, but with dire consequences.

The Cage, follows a man who has been imprisoned within a gibbet cage. An arduous and torturous demise in the iron cage that swings, creaking in the tree.

Hope I've wet your appetite, what are you waiting for, go check them out!


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