Friday 22 August 2014

Plight of Iraq

There's no denying that Iraq has had a long and bloody time in the recent decades. How much longer it'll last is anyone's guess.

Once the shining jewel of the middle east and probably richest place on earth. It's worth reading the 1001 nights to get a glimpse into this golden time for the country or at least what became it.

Surviving one brutal dictator only to find themselves being eroded from their own borders by ISIS scum. I feel sorry for the Iraqi people.

Yet when I see the Iraqi military and the Kurdish forces deployed against this threat it fills me with respect. I hope they are proud of fighting the good fight and it gives them energy as this conflict drags on as I cannot begin to imagine how draining this must be.

How can it feel to know fools from around the world have come to your country to join a movement bent on carving a bloody part of your land and people for their own ends.

It fills me with shame to know there are British people involved with ISIS. 

To see those dogs riding round in cars flaunting their weaponry I wonder what "North Korean" complex these people have? What could drive a young man to throw away his ties to his family and friends; the people that nurtured him and go butcher a people which are nothing to do with him.

Joining a cause which isn't your own is one thing. Travelling across the world to ruin peoples lives is another.

Unlike the mess in Syria, the Iraqi people are simply trying to rebuild their lives. It's shocking to know that we're not capable of stopping our own people from going to Iraq to join ISIS.

Britain owes these people an apology.


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