Friday, 7 February 2014


My memories back to my school days are hazy at best and for good reason. I hated my time there and if I am remembered at all it would be as the quiet kid that kept to himself and was passed between frustrated teachers and eager bullies.

Uni changed all that for me and it was a place where I could reinvent myself without any prejudice. Reinventing myself so that if I'm remembered at Uni it would probably be as the quiet guy who kept to himself and was passed between frustrated teachers and eager bar staff.

I find it odd when I hear stories of hazing within Universities that goes all the way from freshers to the professors. I expect that kind of nonsense in children and teenagers, but adults? It's this kind of mentality that breeds a perpetual cycle of child abuse cases.

How can you justify causing someone misery by the fact that it was inflicted on you. Equality does not equate to Fairness nor Justice for that matter.

When I hear stories of hazing, or professors justifying exploiting students and hurting their feelings on a whim I wonder what petty minds they must have. I know academics by it's very nature is unprofessional but this is the future of our nation and it's a shame to hear the saying, "If you can't do; teach."

I learned enough to make me the man I am today from great teachers in my lifetime and it makes me sad to see others with teachers who discourage and insult because they don't know how to manage their students.

If you resort to insulting a student you are weak minded.

If you can't match wits with someone half your age you are not fit to teach.

If you are not fit to lead, get off the pulpit.


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